When I first gave birth, I didn’t do much exercise thinking, or rather lulled into the myth that breastfeeding would help reduce my tummy. No. It. Did. Not. I have to do exercise because after giving birth, the body does not just bounce back. It was overstretched, just like the rubber band that was stretched far too long.
I need body shaping intimates. Who doesn’t want a svelte body or a pre-pregnancy body back? I’m rather self-conscious because when people give up their seats for me at the priority seats, I feel fake.

There is also the best colour to wear under light coloured clothes. White.

For the ones who don’t want the intimates to be seen through that easily, beige is the best choice. For some reason, it cannot be seen that easily through white clothes.

If bodysuits are not workable, then panties are the best bets. Shape up that tummy or at least, hide that tummy and look good during important events like family weddings and company dinners.

Once the body is whipped back in shape through exercise, diet and some help from the shapewear, it’s time to hit the beach! The cinching at the middle is to create an illusion of a flatter tummy and also look dressed up at the beach or swimming pools for that matter.

What are the ways that you have done to shape up for a healthier you? Being a mother means that I have to eat the unsavoury food that my children love and can’t finish. There are times that I refuse to eat because I am already full. What a waste of food even if they are unhealthy.